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Tax Scams Catching Out The Unwary

Every tax time is an opportunity for scammers to target the unwary.

This time around, the scammers are phoning and claiming to be from the prosecutions department of the ATO. They then state that they believe you have committed fraud and the Sheriff’s Office has been called. You can of course make this all go away by transferring cash using the details they provide or by giving your details to them. All of it is fake.

There are a number of variations to this fake arrest warrant scam. In some cases a message is left on an answering machine obliging the person to call back.

Understandably for those with outstanding tax debt, these calls can cause concern.

If you receive a call like this, you should feel free to hang up. We can contact the ATO on your behalf to verify there are no known issues.

Or, if you would like to report the scammers, take as many details as possible without giving any information away (phone numbers, supposed section of the ATO, name of the person calling, etc.,) and pass them onto us. Once again we’ll verify with the ATO and report any known details about the scam for further investigation.

If you are contacted by email by the ATO or a group purporting to represent the ATO, you can forward these emails directly to the ATO

* The material and contents provided in this publication are informative in nature only. It is not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained.

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