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It’s Not Easy Being A Foreigner

If you are not an Australian resident for tax purposes, you are excluded from many of the tax breaks available to residents and an increasing target of the Australian Taxation Office. We explore the widening gap between residents and non-residents.

Scrutiny of Australian Investments

With residential property prices soaring, foreign investment and ownership is in the spotlight.

However, foreign residents and temporary visa holders cannot buy established residential property – they can only invest in property where that investment adds to the housing stock (including) vacant land for development. And, only foreign companies with a sizeable interest in Australia can buy residential real estate for Australian based staff. Temporary residents can buy one established property to live in (with approval) which they have to sell when they are no longer living in the property.

Investment in Agricultural Land

Foreign ownership of agricultural land has come under scrutiny lately resulting in a number of changes. From 1 July 2015, all new foreign interests in agricultural land must be registered with the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and all existing interests registered by 31 December 2015. In addition, the threshold at which foreign investors must get approval for an investment in agricultural land dramatically reduced from $252 million to $15 million in March this year.

Tax Rates and Tax Benefits

Tax Rates

Unlike Australian resident taxpayers, non-resident taxpayers pay tax on every dollar of taxable income earned in Australia starting at 32.5%. There is no tax- free threshold.

Tax on Investments

The 50% general discount on capital gains tax that applies to Australian residents is no longer available to non-residents; meaning that non-residents pay the full amount of CGT on any gains made. Impending new laws also seek to apply a 10% withholding tax on the sale of real property by foreign residents where the property is valued at $2.5 million or more.


SMSF's have strict residency rules and must meet three separate tests to continue to be a complying fund and access the tax concessions that come with complying status:

  • The fund must be established in Australia or have an asset located in Australia;

  • The management and control of the fund must ordinarily be in Australia - generally this means that trusteeship should be in Australia; and

  • Contributions to the SMSF should only be made by members residing in Australia. If overseas members want to contribute to the fund then at least half the fund’s assets need to be held by members who reside in Australia and also make contributions.

This is not an exhaustive list and residency can be a very complex issue. If you are concerned about your residency status, please give us a call.

* The material and contents provided in this publication are informative in nature only. It is not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained.

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